After experiencing a wonderful 4 weeks overseas recently, since returning home 4 weeks ago......I have been sick....unwelcome, unexpected and very frustrating! I don't think there is anything special about the number 4?? But maybe I'm missing something!
It has been with great relief over the past couple of days to start to feel as though I might be getting better. Sickness is horrible in all its shapes and forms, and yet it happens to most of us at some point in our lives in various ways.
One would have thought - great chance to catch up on all the reading I want to do! Sadly, didn't even have the energy to do much of that - and I love to read! So the last few weeks has been a lot of just doing nothing.....and I don't think I'm very good at that......but obviously my body just needed rest...and lots of it!
It's interesting to me how your thought life kind of 'takes off' when you doing nothing! I guess that's because that's all you're doing. You have great ideas and thoughts about all sorts of things, what you'd like to do, where you'd like to go, what challenge you'd like to tackle....and so forth.....but when that all gets too just roll over and go back to sleep.....AGAIN!!
However, with a prolonged sickness can also come sadness, loneliness, depressive feelings and just feeling 'down' about life in general.....and it has been no different for it has been a real challenge some days to do something about those feelings. Added to those feelings for me now is also......what if I get really really ill? Who is going to look after me when I get old??
So what do I do? For me, it has to be reading The Word and prayer. Not prayer as in long, fancy sentences......but just simply.....'help me Lord, make me strong again.....Amen.'
As with anything in life, we are always faced with choices. Being sick is no different......hence the title.....Glass half full or half empty? If I am honest, my natural character traits would tend towards the glass half empty, so I have to work hard at not being that way.
Tony was a great example to me in this in that he was the glass half full kind of guy. Over the years I learnt so much from him!
This time I've had confined to the house (big dose of cabin fever) has also made me think so much about those that suffer with prolonged, chronic, terminal type illnesses and conditions, and how THANKFUL I am that I am not in that situation, because at the end of the could easily be me.....why not me? I am so grateful to God for my health and strength, and even though I don't have a big amount of it right now, I can look forward to getting it back. There are countless people out there who don't have that privilege.
My thoughts have naturally drifted to Tony over this time and how he suffered, how he hated what was happening to him, how he longed to get out and about and do the things he loved to do but couldn't.
I feel challenged.......did I do all I could for him? What more could I have done? I have to deal with those questions in my own way and with the Lord's help I will.
So what to do with the challenge? And I guess that's the reason for this blog - are we (me included) all doing what we can in caring for our family and friends who are sick or confined to their house or bed? I have been touched by phone calls from a couple of elderly widows in my community who have health issues of their own, but just wanted to call me, say 'Hi' and encourage me.
And I am so grateful for family who care about me and for the friends who have taken the time to phone or call in........everything is appreciated!
So back to the glass half full thing! I think these last 4 weeks have taught me quite a bit in this regard. I have much to be thankful for, even in the midst of feeling rotten, compared to countless people out there who are really suffering.......the kind of suffering I know nothing about.
The mind is such a powerful thing, I guess that's why we hear so much teaching about it - in the church and in the secular world. The Word transformed by the renewing of your mind....
World renown Bible teacher Joyce Meyer has taught and wrote much about this subject. Just before I left on my trip at the end of May, a close friend sent me something that I'd like to leave with you today (thank you Jude).
It is taken from Joyce Meyer's 'Renewing your mind and transforming your life by developing power thoughts' teachings. 12 really great statements to meditate on..............
1. I can do whatever I need to do in life through Christ.
2. God loves me unconditionally.
3. I will not live in fear.
4. I am difficult to offend and quick to forgive.
5. I love people and I enjoy helping them.
6. I trust God completely, there is no need to worry.
7. I am content and emotionally stable.
8. God meets all my needs abundantly.
9. I pursue peace with God, myself and others.
10. I live in the present and enjoy each moment.
11. I am disciplined and self-controlled.
12. I put God first in my life.
If I can get all these things happening in my life........the glass will always be half full.....ha!!