Over the past couple of weeks I feel as though I have been through some different sorts of 'storms'........physical and emotional!
A few nights back I was awoken by a clap of thunder that felt like it was right above my head. I wasn't frightened as such - but I did get a fright - a big one! I can't remember ever experiencing anything quite like it - it made the house shudder! And then of course there was the lightning to go along with it. Even though I had my eyes tightly shut waiting for it - when it came it would flash through my closed eyelids as though they were wide open! So much power......I would lie there thinking.....surely the electricity is going to go out any second.
What really was different with this storm though was they way it moved around. After several thunder and lightning episodes directly overhead I was relieved to hear it starting to move away and become more distant. Thank goodness I thought, while I wasn't terrified or anything I was relieved that it was over.......or so I thought!
I was just calming myself down and telling myself to go to sleep when all of a sudden.......there was another huge clap of thunder right over head again!! I literally jumped in the bed! That sneaky storm had come right back without any warning and was doing its thing right above my house for the second time!
This time the power did go out - although only briefly. Funny thing about my house - when the power goes out like that and then comes back on - my front door bell rings! The first time this happened a couple of years back I dutifully got out of bed (about 3am) and went to see who on earth would be ringing my door bell at that time of night!! Looking back now I have a giggle when I think about it - I mean - I must have looked real silly standing at the door peering out into the dark looking for whoever was out there...ha!
This time I was much smarter......I just rolled over and tried to go back to sleep again reassured that the power was once again restored.....my trusty little door bell had let me know that!
The emotional 'storm' I referred to has been watching Team NZ try and win the America's Cup against the Oracle Syndicate in San Francisco. This cup in the field of yachting is evidently the oldest sporting prize in the world. Maybe storm is not the right word - more like an emotional roller coaster going through a storm!!
From the 'highs' in the early days of racing to the heartbreaking 'lows' we have been experiencing this week - its sure been emotional. And now this morning to see the boats race knowing that the winner would 'take all' was VERY emotional. The result of Oracle winning was devastating to all those of us supporting Team NZ. It was like the whole of NZ was holding its breath!
If I am feeling this way - how much more will the guys who are actually on the team - those who have been planning, working, training, sailing for years - be feeling? I can't even begin to imagine! Can I just add that I think our team under the leadership of Dean Barker and Grant Dalton have been exceptional in the way they have competed, conducted themselves and gone about their business - they are incredible role models to our young people.....makes me proud to be a kiwi!
But back to the storms.......in the greater scheme of things - a thunder storm is just a thunder storm and a yacht race is just a sport - but oh how they affect our emotions! Both can make you feel tired - one from lack of sleep and the other because of seesawing emotions.
So how do all these rambling thoughts relate to what is really important in life?
I know for a fact that my God, my Heavenly Father, is the God of the heavens and the thunder storms are in His backyard....and He is in control. Psalm 91 verse 5 says we are not to fear the 'terror by night'.....I think that can include fierce thunder storms! That whole Psalm in a favourite of mine. Verses 1 and 2 are awesome........'He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust"'.
So what about when you are emotionally exhausted and feeling devastated and disappointed?
I was so moved tonight as I watched the TV news and saw how the wives of our sailors are supporting and loving their husbands. Particularly touching was Mandy, wife of Dean Barker.....how difficult for them as an intimate moment between them was broadcast around the world! And yet, once again as they were interviewed they responded with integrity and honesty.
I am reminded of a song that was a favourite of Tony's....."Stand by your man"....ha!
But seriously, what an amazing example of standing by someone when they're down, of encouragement and support. And in this crazy world - how much do we all need this?? Lots!
We all need to know there are those around us who will love, support, encourage and believe in us when the world deals us a tough hand........and it will, at some point!
A few days ago I put a quote on my facebook page that has challenged me......."People won't necessarily remember what you said or what you did - but they will remember how you made them feel".
Many years ago when I was a young student nurse, one of the girls I was flatting with had this saying on her bedroom wall.......'a smile costs nothing, but gives much'.
I'd like to amend this to.......'a smile and a hug costs nothing, but gives much'.
Maybe these little gestures will help someone else get through a storm :)
Till next time............
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Hard to believe it is September already - but that does mean it's officially Spring in New Zealand. Such a lovely thought.....Spring! The promise of summer just around the corner brings a smile.....but it's not here quite yet!
We have the spring weather to enjoy - or not! Sunny days, rainy days, windy days, cloudy days, still days, clear days, warm days, cool days......you name it....we get it in Spring! It might be a beautiful sunny day so I think......must go for a walk on the beach........only to get there and the biting cold wind takes most of the enjoyment out of it and I rush home for a hot cup of something.
I've got that old song 'April Showers' going round in my head. Yes, I know it's not April but the sentiment of the song remains the same. I wonder if I could change the words............
' Tho' September (April) showers may come your way.....they bring the flowers that bloom in October (May)...' ha......maybe not!
But apart from the weather there are all the other signs of Spring that I enjoy. The daffodils, the freesias, the lambs bouncing in the paddocks, the new growth on plants and trees, the days getting longer........all encourage me to get outside........to resist the temptation to just stay inside in the warm and lazily carry on in the winter mind set.
Maybe its a depletion of Vitamin D that makes me feel desperate for some sun on my back? Does a lack of Vitamin D cause cabin fever?? Or maybe its the simple fact that warm sunny days just make me feel happier?
This beautiful pot plant is bringing a touch of spring in my bedroom.........makes me smile when I look at it.....and also because it was given to me by a dear friend. When she gave it to me last year it was blooming.....then it went through the long winter where it almost looked dead! Now look at it :-)
Seasons huh? The seasons of life - gotta love them - can't fight them - they come and go and there's absolutely nothing you or I can do about it! I remember my mother often saying "it's just a season" in response to my complaining about or struggling with some issue! I never really appreciated hearing that for some reason.....but of course I now know it is absolutely true :-)
Then there's the dreaded Spring Cleaning!! I'm happy to say I have started on this. Some years it was a bit of a non event, I must say, but this year it is MUCH needed so I have got myself organised and actually have a LIST on the fridge! Yay.......a to do list! I quite like lists, and I especially like crossing things OFF my list! I have even been known to write things on my list that I have already done just so I can cross them off!! How sad is that??
Last week I did quite a bit of waterblasting....felt so good! My decks are all sparkling and clean.....had to take a picture to show the difference. Feel bad about how dirty they were though!
But Spring is also about promise.........and this is the bit I especially like! The promise of summer and all that that represents. I am indeed blessed to live by the beach - which I absolutely love - so naturally the summer weather is what suits best. Love this view of Mangawhai Harbour - such a beautiful part of New Zealand.
Everything is different in summer. What you wear, what you eat, what you do, where you go.......plus of course the celebration of Christmas and New Year........so much to look forward to.....so many plans to make, recipes to try, BBQ's to be had, cold glasses of white wine on a hot balmy evening, family and friends to catch up with, long walks on the beach, relaxed schedules, strawberries, cheeries...........
If you're anything like me, once you start thinking about how a season affects you in your physical life, your thoughts go to how it affects your soul and spirit as well. Having been through a dark winter season in my life - in every area - I am relieved to feel that spring is touching my heart. I know there are still ups and downs ahead - that is the nature of spring - but that's OK.....at least winter is fading....even if it seems painfully slow at times!
A couple of Scriptures that are good to meditate on when thinking about new seasons......
Isaiah 43:19 See I am doing a NEW thing! Now it SPRINGS up, do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Romans 15:13 May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Oh.....and the rest of that old song goes........
'So if its raining, have no regrets, because it isn't raining rain you know....it's raining violets
And where you see clouds upon the hills, you soon will see crowds of daffodils
So keep on looking for a bluebird and list'ning for his song
Wherever April (September) showers come along.'
AND........I emptied, cleaned and refilled the spa today......I'm going to go and cross that off my list right now!!
Till next time.................
We have the spring weather to enjoy - or not! Sunny days, rainy days, windy days, cloudy days, still days, clear days, warm days, cool days......you name it....we get it in Spring! It might be a beautiful sunny day so I think......must go for a walk on the beach........only to get there and the biting cold wind takes most of the enjoyment out of it and I rush home for a hot cup of something.
I've got that old song 'April Showers' going round in my head. Yes, I know it's not April but the sentiment of the song remains the same. I wonder if I could change the words............
' Tho' September (April) showers may come your way.....they bring the flowers that bloom in October (May)...' ha......maybe not!
But apart from the weather there are all the other signs of Spring that I enjoy. The daffodils, the freesias, the lambs bouncing in the paddocks, the new growth on plants and trees, the days getting longer........all encourage me to get outside........to resist the temptation to just stay inside in the warm and lazily carry on in the winter mind set.
Maybe its a depletion of Vitamin D that makes me feel desperate for some sun on my back? Does a lack of Vitamin D cause cabin fever?? Or maybe its the simple fact that warm sunny days just make me feel happier?
This beautiful pot plant is bringing a touch of spring in my bedroom.........makes me smile when I look at it.....and also because it was given to me by a dear friend. When she gave it to me last year it was blooming.....then it went through the long winter where it almost looked dead! Now look at it :-)
Seasons huh? The seasons of life - gotta love them - can't fight them - they come and go and there's absolutely nothing you or I can do about it! I remember my mother often saying "it's just a season" in response to my complaining about or struggling with some issue! I never really appreciated hearing that for some reason.....but of course I now know it is absolutely true :-)
Then there's the dreaded Spring Cleaning!! I'm happy to say I have started on this. Some years it was a bit of a non event, I must say, but this year it is MUCH needed so I have got myself organised and actually have a LIST on the fridge! Yay.......a to do list! I quite like lists, and I especially like crossing things OFF my list! I have even been known to write things on my list that I have already done just so I can cross them off!! How sad is that??
Last week I did quite a bit of waterblasting....felt so good! My decks are all sparkling and clean.....had to take a picture to show the difference. Feel bad about how dirty they were though!
But Spring is also about promise.........and this is the bit I especially like! The promise of summer and all that that represents. I am indeed blessed to live by the beach - which I absolutely love - so naturally the summer weather is what suits best. Love this view of Mangawhai Harbour - such a beautiful part of New Zealand.
Everything is different in summer. What you wear, what you eat, what you do, where you go.......plus of course the celebration of Christmas and New Year........so much to look forward to.....so many plans to make, recipes to try, BBQ's to be had, cold glasses of white wine on a hot balmy evening, family and friends to catch up with, long walks on the beach, relaxed schedules, strawberries, cheeries...........
If you're anything like me, once you start thinking about how a season affects you in your physical life, your thoughts go to how it affects your soul and spirit as well. Having been through a dark winter season in my life - in every area - I am relieved to feel that spring is touching my heart. I know there are still ups and downs ahead - that is the nature of spring - but that's OK.....at least winter is fading....even if it seems painfully slow at times!
A couple of Scriptures that are good to meditate on when thinking about new seasons......
Isaiah 43:19 See I am doing a NEW thing! Now it SPRINGS up, do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Romans 15:13 May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Oh.....and the rest of that old song goes........
'So if its raining, have no regrets, because it isn't raining rain you know....it's raining violets
And where you see clouds upon the hills, you soon will see crowds of daffodils
So keep on looking for a bluebird and list'ning for his song
Wherever April (September) showers come along.'
AND........I emptied, cleaned and refilled the spa today......I'm going to go and cross that off my list right now!!
Till next time.................
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