Sunday, 15 December 2013

The Gift of Music

It's that time of year when music seems to be in the air more than usual.  Somehow it's more acceptable to hear music playing when you're out and about!  It all adds to the festive mood I guess.

I love music!  It's been a part of my life forever!  I love going to concerts and musical shows, watching musical movies, along with playing the piano or my ukelele......a recent acquisition:)  I can remember my first piano lesson when I was 8 years old.  Since then there has hardly been a time in my life when I wasn't playing or singing something, somewhere!

However, in the last few years it has been much harder to maintain that - or even have the desire to!
There are definitely times in your life when certain songs are 'just what you need' and you play them over and over - it's like a gift to you at the time.

When I was a teenager I absolutely loved the music of the likes of Amy Grant, Evie and Sandy Patti, and dreamt of one day being a famous singer like they were....ha!  As I've got older my tastes have broadened somewhat:)

Being involved with church music pretty much all of my life,  I have enjoyed and learnt probably thousands of songs that have been the 'new sound' at the time.  Scripture in Song, Hosanna Music, Integrity Music, Hillsong, Christian City Church, Planet name a few.  I was even involved with writing and recording some 'home grown' songs in the early 90's called Songs to the Nations.

It's so interesting though, that the songs you learn as a child are the ones you never forget the words to! So for me - that was hymns - and I still love so many of those.  I always appreciate when you're in a church service and the song list is 'mixed up'. The freshness of a new song mixed with the timeless lyrics of an old hymn - love it!

During the last few years of my life as I have struggled through dealing with illness and then the grieving process I have often gone walking with my iphone and ear phones!  I have what you'd call an eclectic play list I guess.  There is everything from ABBA to Adele,  Bon Jovi to Brooke Fraser,  Billy Joel to Bruno Mars,  Citipointe Live to Celine Dion,  the Eagles to Eric Clapton,  Hillsong United to Harbourside Church,  Keith Urban to Mariah Carey,  Michael Buble to Michael Jackson and Stan Walker to Shania so many more!

But there are probably only 3 or 4 songs that I have played over and over as I have walked the beach and streets around where I live.  The top of the list would be 'The Climb' by Stan Walker, followed by his rendition of 'Amazing Grace'.  Another one would be 'Oceans' by Hillsong United.

It's so good how different songs touch your heart - and keep doing so - often filling you with just what you need at the time. The gift of music huh?

During the little bit of travelling I have done in the last couple of years I have observed how music is universal.  It crosses cultures and generations.  At one point I was with a group of people in a restaurant in Europe, we all were singing, the tune was familiar but we all sang in our different languages - it didn't matter - we all had a great time......the gift of music huh?

And now its nearly Christmas and if you're anything like me, you will have the Christmas CD's playing in your car and home.  So many beautiful carols and songs to enjoy.  The words of timeless carols are etched in my heart, learnt when I was just a child.  Probably my most favourite carol would be O Holy Night - and I especially love Mariah Carey's version - in my opinion, she can sing it like no other!

I also love the Christmas song - Home for Christmas - sometimes called Bells Will Be Ringing - especially The Eagles version.  I love the bluesy feel of the song and even though some of the lyrics are sad - I still love that song!

Music is one of God's gifts that I am most grateful for.  It was got me through tough times and great times, and no doubt will continue to do so.  Songs can trigger so many emotions - happy and sad - and that's OK.

Music is also a gift we can give our families - our children and grandchildren.  I am so grateful to my parents who paid for my years of piano lessons and encouraged me along the way.  I love seeing the enjoyment music brings to my kids and how they all use their musical abilities to serve the Lord.  And now I observe in my little grandson the delight he takes in music too - his little dance moves are something else....ha!

So whatever your plans are for Christmas and the holiday season - make some time to listen to some good music......sing some carols......get the guitar or ukelele out round the someone a CD........make some new memories......just enjoy the wonderful gift that is music!

Have a blessed Christmas!

Till next time...............