It's been awhile since I sat down to write - other than quick entries in my journal - life took another unexpected turn this year for me and I found my normal routine interrupted for a time!
Routines are interesting things aren't they? Sometimes it's good to have routine - other times maybe not. I think as we get older some of our routines can start to feel like ruts....and that is not a good feeling! I just looked up rut in the dictionary...'established, tedious practice or routine'. Of course, some routines are necessary and indeed good for us but the danger as we age is that we can become inflexible and irritable if our routines get out of kilter. Or maybe it's a control thing? If circumstances are changing too rapidly for our liking and we feel like we are losing control of what we like to have control of - then we can become 'out of sorts'.
I know I am the sort of person who can get 'ruffled' if my plan or agenda doesn't get carried out or at least in some part accomplished. Things like interruptions and problems can become irritating and it is a little window into our nature and maturity as to how we respond. I really do not want to grow into a grumpy old woman!!
We have recently had some teaching at our church on 'living with an adventurous heart or spirit' and I have appreciated hearing this challenge again. It goes hand in hand with not living in a routine that is inflexible and unbending. Even if we are living with circumstances we cannot physically change or do anything about - we can still have a mentality of being open to change and seeing the best in things. This is a challenge for me and one I need to keep in mind as I go through life - I can't cross all the t's and dot all the i's all the time.......and that's OK!
Along with living with a flexible mindset for me needs to be the willingness to 'have a go' at something new.....stepping out of the boat......stepping out in faith......or however you like to put it. I'm sure thinking this way helps keep us young......always learning......growing and...well....just having fun! There are still some things on my bucket list I'd like to have a go at.....what about you??
Last week I, along with my sister and her husband, went to a local restaurant for dinner and to listen to a jazz band called Dixie Street. This band is made up of a group of guys all over the age of 70. They are from Australia, and along with their wives, tour on a regular basis through Australia and NZ. Their music was lively, joyful, fun.......and good!! They are doing what they love and bringing enjoyment to many people along the way. I thought they were a great example of not living in a rut, and I wouldn't mind betting that for some of them at least, they are ticking off something on their bucket lists!
But back to what I really wanted to talk about today............(got on a bit of a tangent there.....ha!)
Early this year my daughter Natasha, who was in the early stages of her second pregnancy, began having complications that were on going. So I made the commitment to travel to her place to help and support her 3 days a week (during weekdays) until the baby was born - due mid August.
I am very grateful I was free to be able to do this and I count it a privilege to have such involvement in my children's lives. To be able to spend that much time with my 2 year old grandson Owen has been very special for me and I have loved it. Each week as I arrived and was greeted with a smile and hug from him - it made my heart smile!
I can't say it hasn't been tiring - because it has - that's what happens when you get older - and yes it intruded into my tidy routine what?? Life is about family, relationships, love, giving - doing the next thing that the Lord puts in front of you to do - and for me it has been helping my family.
There have also been anxious times when we have all had to press hard into the Lord for His strength and comfort. Particularly for my daughter and her husband, it has been a challenging few months as week by week they progressed through a difficult pregnancy.
It all became more dramatic when early on Sunday morning 29th June, the newest member of our family, a little boy named Toby, arrived 7 weeks premature! Both he and his mummy were very sick and required special care and attention for some time.
But as I sit here today and reflect back on the past few months I have nothing but thankfulness and gratitude to God for His continuing goodness to us as a family and his faithfulness to us through all circumstances. Toby is now 6 weeks old and is thriving. He is a darling little boy who is so precious to us all.
There were complications after he was born and at times we were unsure what it all meant, and what the future looked liked for him, but he is now receiving excellent reports from the doctors and ALL IS WELL!! He is in fact - our little miracle baby:)
It is so wonderful now to see this little family all healthy and doing well. When I look at my 2 grandsons I can hardly believe it.......they are such a BLESSING!!
2 year old Owen gazes at his little brother Toby - 6 weeks old - "can he come and play yet?"
For me personally, this year is providing new challenges - more decisions to be made - but there is definitely a sense of a 'new season'......and that is a good thing! After many months of thinking/praying/pondering I have come to the conclusion that I want to stay living in the little town where I am - not because I am too afraid of change, but because I believe it is right for me and the next season of life is going to based here. This has been a big decision for me and I think anyone who suddenly finds themselves alone will identify with it. It would be easy in a way to go back to where I spent the majority of my life and where things are maybe more familiar - but for me, it is not right to go back, I want to keep moving forward to whatever is next for me. I gave myself permission to ask myself some hard questions, and it has been a relief to be able to answer honestly, and with that has come a sense of relief and peace.
Of course this doesn't mean there won't be change up ahead - there's always change in life - there's always adjustment and growth - but if you have peace about the big decisions then the changes and seasons that come and go don't need to rock you off your foundations!
So today in my heart..........IT IS WELL!
Till next time.............