Sunday, 11 August 2013


Over the last couple of weeks I have attended 2 women's events.  One was attended by 1100 women and the other by 100 women.  Both were good - no, make that excellent!  Although they were completely different.......I enjoyed both of them immensely.  The larger one was 'buzzing'........with that many women in one place I guess you'd have to expect that!  The smaller one was obviously more intimate.  For me, I had 'God' moments at both. Moments where the 'light comes on' with a thought or
an impression and a quiet knowing......yes, I am meant to be here.

Different is good! It's what makes up the kaleidoscope of our lives.....otherwise life would be dead boring wouldn't it? God must like 'different' too!  Why else would he have made us all unique?  In that large crowd of 1100 women I never saw 2 who looked alike!

At the larger gathering the theme was 'Body, Soul, Spirit'.....and we had teaching in each of these areas. Soooo good to hear balanced, practical teaching in the areas of our lives that make up who we are!

One of the thoughts that has stayed with me from the smaller gathering was about 'purpose'.  A sixty year old woman spoke of how she gets up in the morning with real purpose - she is vibrant and energetic and obviously loving her life.  That has made me think about my purpose.....about who I am and what I am doing.

For the 36 years of my married life I believed my main purpose was to work alongside, support and encourage my husband in whatever we decided we were meant to be doing at the time.  This included raising a family, farming, business, working in the local church and mission organizations.....among other things.  I still believe that and I don't regret it in any way.

However, I have now entered a different season of my life - albeit unexpected.  I am having to come to terms with many 'new' things.  One of these is almost a redefining of who I am.......that can be painful, scary, challenging....but hopefully in the end fulfilling and maybe even exciting!

God has made me unique just as He has every person on this planet.  I want and need to be true to who I am.  I desire to walk into the future along the path He has designed for me to walk.  This might include letting go of how I did things when I was one half of a couple (that's the scary bit) or changing how I view certain things because.....well....things are different now (that's the challenging bit).

So what is my purpose?  Hmmm.......that for me right now is a big question!  I know the overall to carry the purpose of the King......and to fulfill my responsibilities to my family and my business - both of which I enjoy I must add!  I absolutely love being a grandmother.....and I don't believe my desire to fulfil my purpose in any way lessens the importance of my role as mother and grandmother.

So are these things my real purpose?  Or is passion a better word to be using? I feel there is something deep within me that wants to do more, see more, experience more, learn more, give more........and I don't think this is just about temporal things....this relates to eternal things.....things that are going to last forever.  And what are the things - for want of a better word - that are going to last forever?  People!! maybe by writing this I have answered my own question!!  Now that's an interesting thought....ha!

Oh....and can I just have a proud mother moment??  It gave me such joy to see my 2 daughters involved in the production of these 2 events I attended - one at proud of them!
3 John verse 4 says I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth!

Till next time.................

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