Tuesday, 18 June 2013


Yesterday was a very long day in the bus travelling from Prague, south through much of the Czech countryside before crossing the border into Austria, finally arriving in Salzburg around 6pm.

Of course we stopped along the way and one particular stop was my all time favourite - but more about that later!

The weather has also warmed up considerably and we are now having temperatures in the early to mid 30's.....so the can be a challenge with all the walking tours we do.....but never mind!

The Czech countryside is very lush and green just like everywhere we've been really, an indication of all the rain they have had recently, but I suppose with the arrival of hot temperatures things will start to dry out somewhat.

As we got closer to the border we took a detour and headed into a town called Ceske Budejovice  (try saying that!) where we visited a brewery.  You may remember the ad where it talked about......'sitting on the couch, having a bud'.....maybe not......as its probably an American ad.....but anyway, we went to the Budweiser brewery for a look see. 
This company produces several different brands of beer and export to 60 countries from just this one factory....it is the biggest brewery in the Czech Republic.
Some of the scenes inside.....
Ad of course the tasting!
Then it was south again towards our destination.....crossing the boarder into Austria....
Beautiful Austria!!
We started to see hills and animals.......and lots of hay making.....

And lots of road works, new roads and tunnels being built.....

Beautiful scenery......mountains......picturesque architecture......

Then a detour into the town of Mondsee......the location of the Abbey that was used in the wedding scene in The Sound of Music.  What a gorgeous little town nestled close to the mountains.  
The streets of Mondsee.....

But.....visiting the abbey was definitely the highlight of my day :-)

The aisle where Maria walked to meet Captain von Trapp
The pipe organ.....

I felt quite emotional as I stood by the altar...I know the film is just a story....but is based on truth and I really felt the abbey was well loved and well used......as though it is very much a part of the community.......the pews are worn.....but it is well cared for.  No cost to come in here.....all welcome to come and visit.....I just loved it!!

Then it was a short drive into Salzburg......the birthplace of Mozart.
Our hotel is called Achat Plaza Zumba Hirschen.....try that one!

Some scenes around Salzburg late in the day.....

The Salzburg castle sits high over the city

Last evening we went to The Sound of Salzburg Dinner and Show.....which was great fun.  All professionally trained singers and a fabulous pianist, singing all sorts! A mixture of songs from the Sound of Music, as well as other operatic style pieces.  Of course we all sang along to the ones we knew.......Doe a deer a female deer, Ray a drop of golden sun..........
Some scenes from the show...

It was extremely hot yesterday and when we came out of the show it was still about 25 degrees....at 10:30!  A beautiful balmy night in Salzburg.....there were people having late night dinners and drinks at   the outdoor restaurants that are everywhere....and I must admit the loneliness was threatening to overtake me....so I had to take a few deep breaths!

This morning I have opted out of the tour for a few hours......think I'm fighting some sort of virus so have dosed up on all sorts and having a little rest and catch up.....you really do learn a lot about yourself on trips like this. I recognise my limit as to what I can do and take in, then I have to recharge for a bit and allow the body to catch up....and that was today! I am missing a walking tour of the inner city of Salzburg but I'm sure I'll hear about it from the others!
This afternoon we head off back into Germany.

Till next time.....

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