Friday, 31 May 2013

Amsterdam, Aalsmeer, Volendam and more......

Today has been one very long day, crammed with so much activity.....where to start?? John, our tour leader, said today that these trips are not holidays - they're adult education - and after the last couple of days I'm agreeing with him!

Following a very early wake up call  (5:30am) we headed out of Amsterdam to a little town called Aalsmeer - home of the largest flower auction in the world. I wasn't really sure what to expect but what we saw was mind blowing! Vast buildings filled with huge stacked trolleys of flowers, linked together like little trains being pulled around by cute motorised cart things with the driver standing up. The size of the operation is hard to comprehend - its really one of those things you have to see to believe!
The flowers were incredibly beautiful - of every type and colour. My favourites were the hydrangeas......absolutely stunning.  
The auctions are run electronically, with bidders sitting in a tiered room like a lecture hall, each with their own computers. Everything is so fast and efficient.  The place is situated close to the airport and flowers can be bought early in the morning and later that day will be in the shops in New York!
I am so pleased to got to see this - well worth getting up some so early for!

Flower trains

The rest of the day was spent visiting several places around the greater Amsterdam area, including seeing how clogs are made, getting up close with some windmills, cheese tasting, souvenir shopping and a very pleasant visit to Volendam - a quaint fishing village - where the cute houses make you want to take too many photos!!

Our tour guide today was a woman called Corrie - Dutch of course! If I closed my eyes she almost sounded like my dear friend Anke (also Dutch) wonderful it would have been to been shown around her home country by her! Another time perhaps..... but of course, Corrie did a wonderful job :-)

Mid afternoon we headed back into the city to connect with our boat the Amadeus Princess, to begin our river cruise. I was so looking forward to this......and getting a little bit of personal space that I can call home for the next 15 days. It is quite something - 110 metres long and 11 metres wide with 4 levels of deck - certainly unlike anything we see in our waters. 
My cabin is very comfortable with sliding glass doors that you can open if you want the fresh air blowing in.

I had a 'wobbly' moment when I walked out on the open top deck and surveyed the scene. Here I am about to embark on a cruise in some of the most interesting water ways in the world and the one person I know who would love this is not with me. Tony would have so enjoyed this experience........

Tonight we were welcomed with a special Captains dinner - 5 courses! I only managed 4 :-)
But what was more memorable for me was we just had a jolly good laugh - at our table anyway.  Maybe we are all a little crazy with tiredness but it felt good to laugh till we cried over various things.

Interesting too for me, so far I have had some really good conversations with other women in our group who are also widows. One women lost her husband 12 years ago, one 5 years ago, one 4 years ago and one just 12 months ago. I remember thinking and praying in the past, when I was going through difficult days with Tony, how wonderful it would have been to be able to talk to others in similar situations. 
And now here I find myself, on the other side of the world, talking to women, sharing stories, encouraging each other......amazing how the Lord works in our lives. He absolutely knows best what we need and when we need it because He is a loving, faithful Heavenly Father.

Tonight we stay the night here at the dock, as we have more to see around Amsterdam tomorrow morning. Then around midday we leave this busy city and head off down the river.

Now as I sit in my cabin and look out at the lights twinkling on the water......I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father knows where I am in the world, He is taking care of me, and right now that's all that matters as I lay my weary head on my pillow!

Till next time...............

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